Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Show Prep 137

Greetings and Salutations, People:

Tweet of the Week:  
KaseyAnderson Kasey Anderson 
Get a dog. Name it "Diamonds." Boom, it's everyone's best friend. Bam, I saved Christmas. Next problem.

Today on VSR –  It’s time to get uncomfortable, I have the Magnificent Seven list of Seven words that make people uncomfortable.

If you’d like to join in the fun - (646) 716-6831 OR 6-HOP-1-MOVE-1

To contact VSR via email:
Email address:
Voice Mail – 720-CUB-1-ACE (720-282-1223)
Twitter: @socnorb777

(Bring on Face) –
Band Name of the Week:
Lime Green Crime Scene

Let’s get to the news… (Play News Music – Clip 03) 

Let’s get to the news… (Play News Music – Clip 03)

UPPER ST. CLAIR, Pa. – A bank courier van has spilled more than $100,000 in cash along a Pennsylvania highway, and motorists have stopped to grab it.

Police say much of the money was blown around by the wind. Lt. James Englert says "well into six figures" in cash is missing after the money grab in Upper St. Clair, just southwest of Pittsburgh.

Police are investigating why the door of the Fidelity Courier Service van opened. But they say the fact the door opened doesn't mean the money was free. They say taking it is theft.

Anyone who took money has a two-week grace period to return it without fear of prosecution.

The courier company is offering a reward for the return of the money.

IOWA CITY, Iowa – Charity workers are hunting through a warehouse of donated clothes in Iowa after an elderly man said he accidentally left $13,000 in a suit that he gave to a Goodwill store in Moline, Ill.

The man in his 80s says he doesn't know exactly when he donated the suit in which he'd been storing the money. He told Goodwill that the money represented his life's savings and was being used to defray medical expenses from his wife's battle with cancer.

Goodwill spokeswoman Dana Engelbert says the suit could have been sold at the Moline store already or that it may have been sent with other clothing donations to a regional Goodwill warehouse in Iowa City.

A $1,000 reward is being offered for the return of the money.

Rescuers tried for hours to get to the missing cat, only to find a cuddly toy cat with a built in meow.

After struggling to reach what they thought was a missing local pet, engineers were called to cut through the steel.

But once inside they were greeted by a meowing battery-operated toy.

The alarm was raised when a woman passing the bin in the village of Moelfre in North Wales, heard cat sounds.

Puss Puss was not in the bin, as feared, but remains missing

Initially it was feared the animal was heavily-pregnant cat named Puss Puss, who had been missing for days.

Believing she was stranded in the bin, villagers tried in vain to get inside the clothes bank and the fire service were called.

In the end they had to transport the bin 18 miles to a specialist engineering company, where a steel saw was used to cut it open.

Company owner Kelvin Owen told the Daily Post: "Once we got into the bin we heard the meow again, it sounded just like a cat and we all started to carefully search the bags.

"Then I found a bag of toys and picked out a toy cat, I said 'it couldn't be this could it', it wasn't making any noise and I asked if I could cut it open to investigate. As I held it, it went off, meow, meow, mystery solved!

"The lads were in stitches, it was such a laugh."

Would-be rescuer Jasmine Hazelhurst, from Anglesey Pets, said: "We feared finding a dead cat in the clothes bank so to find a stuffed toy was a relief."

I’m Craig, and that is the news… (Play News Music – Clip 03)

Tebow Flash Mob - Craig’s List Ad:
I am organizing a Tim Tebow flash mob. We will be meeting at a mall or other venue, please wear your tebow jersey and tell a friend i want to make it big. I will be videoing and posting this video. I want tebow to see this. Please call me for place and time. 720-440-1416
Please email, call or text Chris at 720-440-1416.

Fake Kyle Orton – Clip 35 (During the no talking section, he throws a ball and then chases it down and gets all winded.)

Would you rather?

Drive a Vespa or a Hummer?

Constant Hiccups or Terrible Gas 1 hour a day.

Live life with zero hope of ever breaking out of poverty but you’ll die of natural causes after a long life or live life like a sultan but know that sometime after age 50 you will be slowly and painfully tortured to death over an excruciating 3 day period?

Australian School Voice Mail – Clip 38

Magnificent Seven:
Top 7 Awkward Words/Phrases:

7. Slick Bottom Booty
6. Diarrhea
5. Head Lice
4. Menstruation
3. Castration
2. Jesus
1. Penis

Checking in with Flula – Clip 39 – Flula – Balls to the wall

Something to Think About!

1. The President needs a cool uniform (Something he’d look good eating a turkey leg in.)
2. Nothing in the history of the world has ever been improved by putting the word “Vegan” in front of it. Conversely, nothing in the history of the world has ever been made worse by bacon.
3. What did Dinosaur taste like?
4. Stumbled across one of the worst ideas ever: Olly: The smellable tweet device. - Olly is a desktop device that delivers your notifications in the form of smells by triggering a small fan. It has a removable section in the back that can be filled with oils, perfumes, or any other fragrance you like. Think of it as an air freshener for your online social life.
5. I don’t understand what Mom jeans are.
6. Calling your dog a son of a bitch is not really an insult, meanwhile…calling your son that is just a bad idea all around.
7. It is impossible for a tiger to lose its stripes. If you shave it down, it has the stripes on its skin.

Why do coupons say that they have a cash value of 1/20th of a cent?

It goes back to the days of the Great Depression. Back then, Food items were distributed as ration. Books of Stamps (like coupons) were issued to citizens. Some merchants were smart. They claimed that their books of stamps were worth much more than they really were. They would then sell merchandise through catalogues at greatly inflated prices.
This caused problems. Because both the cash value and redemption prices (in stamps) were greatly inflated, honest stamp issuers were at a competitive disadvantage, because their own books of stamps didn’t seem to be worth much in buying power compared to others.
Several states tried to eliminate these injustices by making all books of stamps – and anything of value that might be used to reduce the price of a product, have a common value. Grocery coupons fell into this category. Kansas State enacted most stringent law. Kansas law overrides the terms and conditions of the coupon for residents of the state and says that if no cash value is stated on the coupon, the consumer may cash in the coupon of face value. (That means, a 50 cents coupon for Tide detergent liquid can be cashed in for 50 cents in the State of Kansas if no cash-value is printed on it).

Manufacturers had two choices: make separate coupons for Kansas, or print a cash value on every coupon. Do folks really try to redeem coupons for the lofty sum of 1/100th of a cent? Hmmm… I don’t think anybody will do that.

Vertically Striped Music Recommendation:
Ben Folds – Album: “Way to Normal” Song: “You Don’t Know Me” Featuring Regina Spektor (Clip 91)

Freelance Whales – Weathervanes - Generator Second Floor
(Clip 92)

Shalom and Good Evening to you all!

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