Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Show Prep 93

Greetings and Salutations, people! -

Would you rather:
-Your kid be a bully or be bullied?
-Be blind or deaf?
-Be able to fly or read peoples minds?
-Be able to predict the future or have all the money you’d ever need
-Have a foot-long eyelash that you would never be able to pluck or have one
ear-lobe the size of a basketball?
-Have every light you drive through be red for the rest of your life or always be wrong?
-Live an amazing life and die young or live an average life and live to 100.
-Punch your grandma in the face or drop a bowling ball on a baby?
-Never use the internet again or never use a cell phone again?
-Dress up as Mickey Mouse for a day or have to wear uncomfortably small clothes for a week?

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